How to get started with computer graphics?

Jadon Lawson
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The rapid development of digitalization has meant that nowadays being a specialist in computer graphics means both great opportunities for development, interesting tasks and high salaries. If you want to start your career as a graphic designer, you have come to the right place

Occupation: Computer Graphic Designer

The type of work as a graphic designer depends on the company where we are hired. Sometimes our tasks can be creating business cards, publications or websites and sometimes we can co-create posters, animations or computer games. A lot depends on your skills, knowledge of graphic design software and artistic sense. In this profession will find people who have artistic and plastic sensitivity. They have a natural sense of style and taste

The greatest demand for graphic designers is in the advertising sector. This market is growing every day, so talented people will certainly find employment in this profession. As we mentioned above: the work of a graphic designer provides a lot of interesting challenges. For this reason, even work in a typical corporation will not be boring

Artistic abilities, however, are not the only competencies that should be shown off to a future employer. Yes, a refined taste will certainly be noticed, as well as manual skills (such as drawing). However a person who intends to work in the field of computer graphics must be up to date with technological innovations, be able to use numerous photo editing and processing programs. There must also be advanced knowledge of such tools as a graphics tablet

Salary and responsibilities of a graphic designer

The median earnings in the profession of computer graphic designer oscillate around 4,500 PLN per month. However the salary depends on several factors, so different people in the same position can have different income. The determining factors include:

  • job seniority,
  • education,
  • size and type of company,
  • province in which we work

The tasks of a graphic designer include:

  • working on graphic materials (e.g. photo processing),
  • supervising projects (from the very idea to realization),
  • designing specific materials which will then go to print (this could be for example designing t-shirts or everyday objects with the company logo),
  • construction of graphic production files.

Where to start?

An essential package, which every graphic designer must have, is Adobe package. And the most important in it is Photoshop, which seems to be the easiest to master. Many tutorials on the tools a graphic designer uses are available on Youtube or in book format (this includes e-books). J.D. Foley’s “Introduction to Computer Graphics” is particularly well regarded.

A list of programs to become friends with:

  • Adobe Photoshop – working on photos;
  • Adobe Illustrator – creating vector graphics;
  • Adobe InDesign – creating graphics for print (DTP);
  • Adobe After Effect, Adobe Animation – for creating animations.

Do you need studies?

Of course not. As in most of today’s professions: the most important thing is experience and portfolio. However, people who would like to go to college, certainly will not lose anything . Some companies hire only people after graduation from ASP or just computer graphics. Many of the things that are taught at the university are side things. Therefore people who do not want to waste their time can enroll in numerous courses and trainings. Courses are not too expensive and can be purchased at any time, such is the case with the Adobe Indesign course, which costs about 50 zł.

Main article photo: Designed by Freepik

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