Is it possible to overdose on vitamin D?

Jadon Lawson
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Vitamin D, called the sunshine vitamin by some, is a very beneficial compound for the body. However, it turns out that, as with other substances, it can be overdosed

What is vitamin D?

When we hear the word vitamin, rather positive associations come to mind. No wonder, because it is thanks to them that our bodies work better and more efficiently. It is no different when it comes to the quite popular vitamin D. It is the one that gives our body enhanced immunity and also has a positive effect on bone development, including teeth. This means that it is very important not only for adults but also for children whose bodies are still developing. In addition, it supports the work of pancreas, keeps the glucose level stable and also takes care of the skin condition.

Interestingly, we acquire it the most in the period of the highest insolation, that is in summer. The sun vitamin is formed in the body from cholesterol, with the help of the sun’s influence on us. An interesting fact is that it is impossible to overdose on vitamin D in this way. An analogous situation occurs with food, where vitamin D can be found mainly in vegetables. The body can properly dose itself with this vitamin, which makes it impossible to get its harmful excess. During winter, however, it is worth to supplement it with special dietary supplements

Overdose of vitamin D

It is worth mentioning that it is very difficult to overdose on this vitamin. Mainly because the body itself is able to cope with its excess. The only way to introduce too much of it into the body is to use commonly available dietary supplements. It is worth highlighting at this point some degrees of overdose. The normal amount of this vitamin in the body of an adult is up to 50 ng/ml. If its amount exceeds this number, then we are dealing with hypervitaminosis. This is the first degree of overdose of the title vitamin. If we exceed the dose of 100 ng/ml, then we are dealing with serious vitamin D poisoning. This stage can be recognized by finding calcium in the excreted urine, as well as an increase in the amount of calcium in the blood

Where does this calcium come from? Mainly from the bones, and it is deposited in other human organs, such as the kidneys. This can lead to many complications, and this only opens the list of all the possible symptoms of vitamin D overdose.

Other symptoms include:

  • loss of appetite,
  • thirst,
  • metallic taste,
  • various skin conditions,
  • various pains, mostly headaches and abdominal pains,
  • general nausea,
  • hyperactivity and cardiac arrhythmias.

Vitamin D deficiency

It is much easier to get a certain level of deficiency of the title vitamin. As well as its excess can cause a number of complications in our body. That’s why it’s a good idea to make sure you’re getting adequate supplementation of it, especially during the fall and winter, where the sun may not be too abundant.

Some of the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency include depression and general poorer mood, as well as bone and joint pain. In addition, its deficiency weakens our body, which significantly increases the chance of developing cancer, diabetes or various hypertensive diseases. Some symptoms of its lack in the body can be general fatigue and apathy.

Main photo: Leohoho/

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