What is Google like to E-A-T?

Jadon Lawson
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If you want to improve your search engine optimization strategy, you need to know about Google’s E-A-T evaluation criteria. It’s now the most important ranking factor for getting your website ranked highly on search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo! And because of this, it’s crucial that you use it to your advantage in order to maximize the number of visitors to your site and convert them into customers or leads.

Today, Google is the most popular search engine in the world, handling over 3.5 billion searches per day. That’s more than any other search engine, including Bing and Yahoo. Google also handles the majority of internet browsing time on mobile devices. In fact, it’s estimated that 90% of smartphone users only use one search engine. So if you’re not ranking well in Google, you’re missing out on a significant chunk of traffic that could be generating conversions for your business.

Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines

In order to assess the quality of sites, Google uses guidelines called the Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines. These guidelines help Google’s human evaluators rate the quality of a website on a scale of low to high. Google then takes these ratings and considers them when deciding how well it should rank a page in search results. 

What is the E-A-T algorithm? 

The E-A-T algorithm is a set of guidelines that Google uses to determine the quality of a website. The acronym stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. In order to improve your website’s ranking on Google, it’s important to focus on creating content that falls within these three categories. 


An author’s proficiency in a field is measured as well as the content’s substantive level. It’s about professional knowledge that requires extra training or certification. Accordingly, the level of knowledge depends on the topic of the website. Taking SEO into account, it is worth regularly updating your content and adding source links, authors’ bios, and social media profiles. 


This is about the respect you get among other experts or authors in the same field. In those cases, you are quoted and are sending your readers to your site. if web users recognize you as a leader in their industry, the search engine will judge you in the same way. So when optimizing your website, take care of your professional titles, certificates, and independent sources. Reviews, recommendations, and references are all good to incorporate too. 


It is, in a way, a measurement of your reputation as an individual and the company you have created. On a technical level, search engine optimization (SEO) is improved with an SSL security certificate, contact information, links from trustworthy websites, and in the case of websites that concern law, privacy policy, terms of purchase and returns in the case of online stores. 

Additionally, it is worthwhile allowing users to leave a rating or comment. One consequence of this is that it opens up a dialogue between you and your subscribers and allows for you to gain ratings and for your content to climb in the rankings. Even if you are unlucky enough to receive negative feedback, it’s an opportunity for you to solve the problem and remedy the situation, which is considered by other users.

YMYL (Your Money, Your Life) pages

E-A-T factors, according to Google, are those websites labeled Your Money, Your Life, i.e. those that have a direct impact on people’s lives, health, and safety. Typically, these websites are related to medicine, finance, law, e-commerce, government, and official institutions. You should remember however that Google allows exceptions in the form of expertise in the day-to-day realm. These are people with relevant life experiences that are considered experts on a given topic.

Why is it better to work with the experts? 

There are many benefits of working with a SEO Limerick, especially when it comes to improving your Google E-A-T score. First and foremost, an agency has the experience and expertise to help you improve your website and content so that it meets Google’s standards. Additionally, an agency can help you create a more comprehensive and effective strategy, which can lead to better results in the long run.

How to choose the right agency?

If you’re looking for the best Dublin SEO agency to help with your SEO, you’ll want to make sure they have a good understanding of Google E-A-T. The company should be able to show their previous work. Have them explain what techniques they use and how long it takes for results to show up. See if the company is willing to provide references from other clients, or talk with them about their experiences working with the company. Check out the reviews about them before making your decision.

Last words

It’s important to remember that Google’s E-A-T guidelines are just that – guidelines. They’re not hard and fast rules, and there’s no guarantee that following them will result in better SEO for your site. However, they’re definitely worth considering as you develop your overall strategy. By keeping these three elements in mind, you can create content that not only appeals to Google’s algorithms, but also provides value for your readers.


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