Key phrases vs positioning – how does one affect the other?

Jadon Lawson
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Keyphrases (or keywords) are the basis of national SEO activities. Why is this element so important and how does it affect SEO? Operating experience on the website is on the other hand what interests net users, so is User experience agency a must for our SEO? Get all the necessary information that will allow you to raise your website in search results. 

What are keyword phrases?

Simply put, they are specific words and phrases that match search results and ads to what a user wants to find on Google. For example, when you type “bicycle” or “what kind of bicycle to buy?” into a search engine, you will get pages matching your query in response.

Positioning a website is therefore about choosing the phrases that best describe its content, and then positioning them in such a way that it is displayed as high as possible in Google. This really translates into traffic and, in turn, increased revenue.

In the past and today 

Unfortunately, due to changes introduced in the algorithms of indexing robots and the continuous development of the national SEO industry, the issue of key phrases has become more complicated. A few years ago, it was enough to duplicate specific words within a given site in order to affect positioning – so we created low-value texts without much substance

Currently, Google puts quality on the fact that the content should be useful and meaningful, not duplicate each other, and exactly match the intention of the user. Key phrases cannot be selected without proper preparation, they should be used naturally and constantly monitored. What’s also important today for Google is to take care of User experience, so support of User experience agency should be considered. 

Types of key phrases

Due to the previously mentioned dynamization of website positioning, we asked SEO agency Philadelphia specialist what types of key phrases we can distinguish:

  • General, i.e. those that contain 1-2 words and correspond to unspecified queries, e.g. “sports sweatshirt”;
  • Long tail – precise phrases, consisting of several words, which better correspond to the user’s intentions (“sports black hooded sweatshirt”),
  • Branded, connected directly with some company,
  • Industry-specific, focusing on industry-specific information, 
  • Local, which specifies a particular region or location. They can be combined with both general phrases, e.g. “sporting goods store Warsaw”, and those with a long tail (“how does SEO for the USA look like”).

Process of selecting and positioning keyphrases

Selecting the right key phrases is not an easy task at all, mainly due to the high competition and popularization of national SEO activities. You can no longer rely on intuition – you have to bet on solutions that are authoritative, detailed and measurable. For this reason, various keyword analysis tools have been created, again SEO agency Philadelphia expert highlights: 

  • Senuto,
  • Semstorm,
  • Google Keyword Planner,
  • Ahrefs.

Of course, such programs offer many more features, such as monitoring of positions in Google, comparison with competitors, visibility analysis, topic generator, question suggestions, comparison of average number of searches, etc. 

Nowadays it is impossible to manage key phrases effectively without using additional tools. This is such a complicated and at the same time important topic for SEO that lack of specific data is a simple way to lose the battle for website traffic. 

Is it possible to run a business without SEO actions?

To sum up, keyword phrases and SEO is a broad topic that requires constant knowledge expansion not talking about website layout itself in which case we should look for help at a User experience agency. So the question may come to your mind: do I really need to spend time on SEO? 

SEO agency Philadelphia answers – nowadays it is impossible to rank high in a search engine without paying attention to key phrases or other indexing issues. So if you care about attracting new customers, start introducing and monitoring keyphrases on your website. You will not lose – you can only gain. 

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  • Johny Durant 11.08.2022

    It’s good that you write about the importance of keywords. Unfortunately, many people think that it is enough to invent a few phrases yourself and put them in several places on the page. For this reason, they fail to rank high in the SERP. In fact, that’s not how it works. SEO is a complicated process and keywords are at the heart of it. Therefore, it’s worth using the online tools that may be helpful. In addition to the keyword analysis tools you mentioned, I would add a few keyword research tools: Majestic, KWFinder, Answer the Public, Google Trends. I use them every day, and they help me a lot in positioning.

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