What features should the best running shoes have?

Jadon Lawson
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People who start running face a dilemma “what shoes will be the best?”. This issue is very important because our health depends on it

Is it worth saving?

Yes and no. Of course, not everyone can afford a professional model of shoes for professional runners. Not everyone, who practices this sport recreationally, also needs such a model. However, you have to remember that shoes are not only supposed to provide comfort while running. Poor quality shoes can make us suffer from corns, abrasions and even serious injuries. Shoes for running must be well-made and properly selected. However, they do not have to be particularly designer

Running shoes need to fit!

It may sound quite cliché, but the impact of a properly fitted shoe on running comfort and safety cannot be overstated. After all, one of the very important functions of this type of footwear is to hold the foot in place in order to prevent injuries. In this case, we can’t count on the shoe getting loose after some time – so it has to be properly fitted right away. How to do it correctly?

To do this, make sure that the big toe has some freedom of movement. At the same time, the foot must not move inside, as this would lead to very painful injuries and abrasions. Anyone who has ever experienced an Achilles tendon abrasion knows the discomfort it can cause. The situation is further complicated by the fact that in many people, one foot is a little larger than the other. It is therefore necessary to try on both shoes and choose a model that will fit both feet well.

Uneven surface

The surface on which you are going to run is also very important. For asphalt, tartan, or any other paved surface, very light shoes with good cushioning will be useful. In addition, they are usually equipped with a fairly flat sole (usually made of thick rubber). It is very hard wearing, which protects the shoes from wear. Thanks to this, even regularly “scrubbing asphalt” shoes will serve us for longer

In the field, you will need running shoes which focus on a stable foot hold. Every step is different here and it is very easy to get injured. The sole of such shoes should be additionally reinforced. People, who plan to run on very uneven and rocky ground, should think about an additional metal insole. It is supposed to protect the toes from hitting a boulder or a root. On the market you can also find models prepared for runners in extreme conditions. They are specially designed against moisture and a large amount of mud. What, however, if we have a limited budget and we intend to run on any surface? Then we should look for so called universal shoes. We will save money, but they will perform worse than specialized shoes.

Cushioning is key

As mentioned earlier, cushioned running shoes are designed more for running on paved surfaces. They increase comfort and protect against hip, knee or tibia pain. Usually, special foams are used for this purpose, but you will also find models equipped with a special carbon plate. It is also important to remember about the wear of cushioning. In the course of running it simply crumples under the pressure of our body. Therefore, footwear should be replaced from time to time.

Main article photo: Designed by Freepik

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